Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hotter Than Hell Weekend 2007

The weekend started with a nice ride around the bike trails in Wichita Falls on Friday. After that we were treated to a wonderful dinner by our host Yvonne. During the weekend Yvonne provided plenty of home cooking of the "Just like mother used to make variety" as well as a wonderful home into which she welcomed us with open arms.

Race day morning started with a line up on Scott street with 12,000 other bikers. Wow, definitely a first for me to be riding in close proximity to that many people - or at least for a few minutes. A few minutes after the start I flatted two tubes at mile 3.

By the time so nice mechanic had loaned me a spare inner tube, I had to race to catch the SAG wagon and spent the next 30 minutes passing people on roller blades or bikers with blue jeans and platform pedals

Ultimately I caught up with some friends and and finished the ride strong with an average speed of 18 MPH. Not exactly the norminator but knowing I had a half marathon the next day I felt pretty good about it.

Saturday ended with a relaxing dip in the pool and off to bed at the late hour of 9pm - did I mention I was tired. By any means, The alarm went off far too early Sunday morning and we were off to the Wee-Chi-Ta trail half marathon.

It was still dark as we started off onto the Wee-Chi-Ta trail. This is a mountain bike trail that started behind the MPEC center. After 400 yards on concrete we cut off to the grass and eventually into the woods. At the aid station approx 1/2 way I was feeling strong at under an hour (for me a very good time).

Unfortunately this was one time when I didn't bring my own nutrition and had the choice of either soy joy (too hard on the stomach) or candy (too many single sugars). I opted for the Gummi bears and unfortunately paid for it the rest of the run and most of the day. By any means a fun run and a fun trail and I felt good to be able to do 2 events in 2 days.

While the events themselves were great - the best thing about the weekend was having such a wonderful host. Did I mention that Yvonne was a wonderful cook as well as great company. The generosity of someone to open their house to a stranger for a weekend and be at the finish line to cheer them on - what a great experience!

Next stop Turkey Mountain

1 comment:

Reese said...

Great job Joel, I'm glad I found your blog.